Friday, March 13, 2009

Moving on...

In the last few months, my husband Sean and I have been dealing with neighbor issues. It turns out that our down stairs neighbor has mental issues that, for whatever reason, make him angry and aggressive toward Sean. He has come up to the apartment and verbally harassed Sean, he watches us as we come and go. This latest week has proved to be the hardest. At 5 o'clock in the morning, one morning this week, Sean and I were awoken by what sounded like someone trying to break into the apartment. Sean, being the manly man that he is, grabbed the Louisville security system, threw the cell phone on the bed saying "Call 911!", and ran out of the bedroom. The only humor i can find in this is the memory of watching Sean run out of the bedroom in his tighty-whities.
So all of this being said, we have decided that it is time to move on. We will be moving out of the apartment as soon as we can find a place to relocate to. I am hoping that we can move around the first or second weekend of April, and put all of this behind us. As I told the land lady, even if she evicts the downstairs neighbor, he still knows where we are at, if he wants to he could come back and do us harm. I severly doubt that a restraining order would do any good in this case.
The situation is sad when you stop and think about it. The man has serious issues, that medicine alone can not truely help. But it seems that everyone is turning their backs on him. I truely wish there was something I could do. Throwing him out of the apartment would do more harm, and little good. He would become yet another homeless person, who would fall through the cracks of society, like so many others before. The system is flawed and broken and this man, who when he is on his medication (when he chooses to take it), is a very kind gentleman; he is the proof of the forgotten people who are victims of a system that is in desparate need of an overhaul.
So we will move on, because it is easier for us to move and find a new place than it would be for him. The only thing that we can do is pray for him, and hope that someone who can truely help him will come into his life.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

tired and overused.

That is the feeling that i have had in my body for the last 8 weeks, as I have been working my butt off this quarter at school. tired and overused. I love my school. I love my classes. I love the sanctuary that the Kennedy Library provides. Nothing says loving like a warm library during one of San Luis Obispo's many mosoon like days. However weeks like this one, where Monday through Thursday, the earliest i will be getting home is 9 pm, and the latest will probably be around 11pm. I have videos to shoot, a research assignment to finish, a 6 page paper to write, a choir reunion to go to, an ACT meeting to attend, and generally, I think when finals week is over (March 20th, Friday at 7pm) I will proceed to deflate my brain, and have an ice cold beverage that is in someway alcholic. For those of you who don't know, I don't drink while school is in session, except for major holidays, (Thanksgiving ect.) I think at this point, I am just stressed and really in need of spring break. Three more weeks to go.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year Snuffins

So over the Holidays, I was blessed to spend time around three of my lovely nephews (Leo, Joseph, and Arthur). This holiday season was loaded with so much excitement, there was never an opprotunity to be bored. In fact, I must say, I truely hope that 2009 is not as exciting as 2008. Sean and I attended four weddings. Tom and Amanda in May. This one was exciting because there was a possiblity of evacuation at a moments notice due to wild fire. We were able to drive to Idaho in July for Dan and Becky's wedding. I never thought I would survive that many hours in the car with Sean's mother, but now we get along fairly well. In August we were married at Immaculate Conception in Tres Pinos, my home parish. And on New Years Eve, Sean's sister Genevieve married a lovely gentleman by the name of Vishall (I hope i spelled it correctly). it was a lovely beach wedding in Pismo (about a mile and a half drive from our place). The reception was held at Rosa's Restaurante Itailano (about one city block from our house). Easiest commute ever.

Unfortunately with ever dose of good, there is always a dose of bad. In April, Sean's grandfather Arthur passed away. He was a lovely man, whom I wish I could have gotten the chance to know better. Also my father had to undergo shoulder surgery in December (during my finals week). He is on the road to recovery and hopefully he will be fully recovered in a couple of months. I don't know how much longer i can take the complaining. So cheers to all, as this is my first blog and i have no readers yet. Below are photos of all the lovely nephews durning christmas time.

Vineyard Snuffins!

Joesph and Leo helping Daddy prune!

Give that kid a pair of shears stat!!

The matching Fruits, Uncle Sean and Little Artie.

Sean and Joseph exploring the world of Literature.