Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blooming Flowers!

After so long without posting, I figured it would be a good idea to get up off my ass and post. I am really starting to figure out this life thing. But it only works for me so dont ask me for tips. Things have changed dramatically over the last year. Sean nad I moved back to the ranch and finally are starting to feel that there is hope for our survival and independence.
After living with my parents for a few months, Sean and I moved into my grandparents old house. And my great joy right now is watching my grandmothers liliacs and old roses bloom infront of the house. I am also finding my great green thumb is really green!
more to come later!


  1. Hi Sarah! I don't know if you still check this blog, but this is Jennifer Corob from Cal Poly. I found your blog while I was doing a search for people who also like The Lais of Marie de France. Something I figured not many people would know about, let alone favorite, unless they also took a class with Schwartz or were English majors. So, hi :)

  2. sorry it took me so long to reply. hi!
